
I'm on your side

Ulric and Azariah joining



5 Years

09-27-2020, 01:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2020, 04:52 PM by Azariah.)

When he had come home and asked if she would come with him to join a pack, she didn't hesitate to say she would go with him. The witch wasn't used to pack life anymore, but she would be with him and she would be safe. He trusted this Resin, and Azariah trusted him, so she would put her trust in the woman as well. Anxiety still ate at her, despite her willingness to come with him. What if she didn't fit in? What if she wasn't a good pack member? What if she did something wrong? A thousand worries crossed her mind, but then she would look up at her soon-to-be husband and her worries would ease away. They reached the pack border in what seemed like record time, Aza not missing the reassurance in his smile at her.

Smiling back at him, Aza put down her mask and looked over her shoulder at Umbra, who made a weird rolling caw, softly into the monochrome lady's ear. It was a sound to reassure her as well, though her attention was inevitably drawn back to Ulric. Aza put her mask down so that she could respond, "My love, I would go with you anywhere. If you trust her, I will too. I have no doubt that we will gain all we need for our future. I love you, and I am happy for our journey together. A little nervous, I haven't been part of a pack in so long...I need the practice." The last bit she finished in a soft chuckle. She hushed herself so he could call to the leader of the pack, announcing their arrival. Azariah found that, despite her nerves, she was excited and thrilled to find a pack. She just hoped she did good here, and tried not to worry about it too much. Leaning against Ulric's solid frame as they waited, Aza took the time to enjoy the moment and the scenery.

Note: Sorry I'm so late, I'm trying to be better XD Also sorry it kind of sucks XDDD
| Word count: 327 words |
"Talking." | 'Thought.' | 'Others.'

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