
Drop on by



5 Years
09-04-2013, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2013, 02:53 PM by Novella.)

Why on earth her siblings had travelled so far beyond the borders of Ahlon was a complete mystery to Novella, though that perhaps only added to the fun of following them. A little too curious for her own good, she had wanted to find out where they were going the moment they strayed from the pack lands, and when they didn?t return that had made up the young female?s mind. She was going to follow, how unfair that they hadn?t thought even for a moment to include her in whatever adventure they were going on. Fortunately it hadn?t been too difficult to track them, occasionally she had found herself struggling for a little while, though never once did she panic or wonder why on earth she had left home.

Even now that she had drawn close to the lands of others packs Novella simply continued onwards, eager to continue in her exploration, long ago having lost some of the focus upon the scents of her siblings. The trail was still in her mind of course, and she didn't stray too far from her course, not wishing to lose them entirely just in case the need should arrive to catch up with them. So far it hardly seemed likely that she would need them so desperately, but it would surely be better to catch up with them by the time they all returned home, if their parents could assume she had travelled with her elder siblings they would probably be a little calmer about the ordeal.

To be entirely honest however something rather odd had caught her attention as she wandered near the lands of one pack in particular. Sense had told her not to go too close to the area, though a somewhat familiar scent had captivated her and now she couldn't help herself as she found herself getting closer and closer to the borders. She could recall who the smell belonged too, although she knew immediately was neither Symphony, Howl or Anthem's yet there was a part of it that seemed so similar. Though Song was barely spoken of, a slightly sore and saddened topic to the elder members of the family, Novella was aware of the fact somewhere in the world she had another sister but right now that idea hadn't yet occurred to her, none the less she was rather intrigued.