
Drop on by



09-04-2013, 03:37 PM

The babies were becoming so independent, with every day she became more surprised at how curious they were. She smiled at the thought of all of them, Fal'Dara shining most brightly, she seemed to cling to her mother better than her other children and for that she was thankful. At least once child wished to be around her just as much as she wished to be around her children. A sigh would flow from her lips, feeling the sadness of knowing someday they would leave her.
Her ivory paws took her gently over the roots and small ravines of the land she lived. a trip around the border today, maybe accept a new member or two? She hadn't seen anyone at the borders in a good while, it made her sad that her extended pack family had not gained many new members. Maybe it was about time to take a trip to the battlefield.
That was when she caught the faint whiff of a fresh scent. It wouldn't have startled her so much, but it smelled incredibly familiar. A scent she hadn't had the pleasure of enjoying since Cherokee came back from... Oh gods, Ahlon Her demeanor changed quite a bit as she realized her new focus. Someone from her past had found their way close to Ludicael, who it was though, she couldn't tell yet.
She followed the whiff, thankful of the direction of the wind. It was then she caught the sight of the pale form. She couldn't help but become off guard, her head would shake back and forth in disbelief. Novel couldn't be here, Cherokee had said they refused to come back. What would she do? A deep breath would fill her lungs, and she let her paws carry her timidly forward. Who was this wolf, she looked so much like her mother, could it have really been Novel? "M... Mother?" A soft timid voice would bridge the distance between them, Song's face a light with confused curiosity.
