
Colors In The Water


09-04-2013, 03:39 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2013, 03:40 PM by Liberty.)

Legs stiffened as they tried to hold the sudden swaying weight above them. What was happening? Reality was breaking around her, and for a moment, it was as if she wasn't here. Things swirled, trees snapped, hills rolled, and the man who was taking steps toward her blurred into an unrecognizable figure. She wanted to take a step backwards away from him, but her legs were locked. Any type of movement would cause her to hit the ground, and that would be even more embarrassing than crying in front of a stranger. Tears finally escaped confinement and dripped down her ivory cheeks. Not a heavy stream, but light trickles that would get the point across. She was upset, upset enough to be in tears. Why? He wasn't her mother, he wasn't the woman who she wished she could see again- but he did sound just like her. She had yet to meet another with that addicting accent. How could she not be upset?

Suddenly, without warning, things came back to her. Visions became a reality, trees stood up again, hills rolled in a natural motion, and the man before her, crystallized. He was all too real, and so was this moment. She couldn't deny that, and she wouldn't allow her past to ruin a potential friendship. After all, being upset will never bring her back. "N-n-no... It's not you." Words came out as a whisper for only him to hear, and even though her voice was quiet, she was sure he could hear her. If she could speak with confidence as she usually did she would, but at this moment, she couldn't. Hell, she could barley clear the lump in her throat to speak. "You sound like... like someone I used to know." Voice trailed off smoothly as her eyes darted away from his own. Her breath was unsteady, and anyone could tell she was having a hard time resisting falling down and bawling her heart out.
