
Drop on by



5 Years
09-04-2013, 03:58 PM

Novella had all too suddenly become aware of the fact that she had just crossed the border of the pack lands. A part of her found that she was still rather eager to place this scent, discover why on earth there were parts of it that smelt so familiar to her and yet there was a part of her that knew she was probably far better off leaving the trail alone now and heading away from the pack, leaving them in peace to continue with the main search of locating her elder siblings. The adventurous part of her so wished to continue though the sense seemed to be winning, she knew the rules of a pack all to well, these lands weren't meant to be freely crossed by any old wolf.

She was just turning to walk away and leave when it became apparent that it was a little too late as another wolf approached her. Standing still now, mind attempting to plot some sort of safe escape it suddenly dawned upon her that it was this wolf in particular whose scent she had picked up and been following. That was most certainly a lucky coincidence and Novella's face broke into a small smile.

The smile was quickly wiped from her face however and replaced with a look of confusion as the white female addressed her as mother, although with some uncertainty, and rightly so for she was incredibly mistaken. "What? I'm not a mother." She stated abruptly, voice sounding very confident in contrast to the timid tone that the elder female had addressed her with. Of course in fact it should have been Novella approaching so shyly, and yet this wolf had thrown her off course, any kind of worries of trouble had been cast aside now.

Novella would have been a little more understanding of this mix-up had she realised who the wolf standing before her actually was. Although the eyes she met were identical to her own, the younger female did not make the connection right away. Perhaps it was down to the mixture of confusion and entertainment she still felt from this mix up that had distracted her from recognising the slightly more subtle similarities between the two sisters though Song had of course immediately noted the vivid similarities between Novella and their mother.