
The shinobi koi



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

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7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
09-28-2020, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2020, 09:04 PM by Sedna.)
[Image: Kyoichiro.png]

Name: Narukami Kyoichiro

Sex: Male

Height/Build: Large/Heavy (36”)

Appearance: Narukami’s white coat is accented with vibrant orange and deepest black, the patches are broken, one overlapping another, or flecked with the opposite through their bulk. His face is dark, only broken by orange accents beneath each eye, two orange eye dots and a third in the middle of his head. His large frame is well muscled, and he carries himself with a dangerous undercurrent masked with open cockiness. His eyes are honey gold, and often crinkled at the edges with a smile, or open laughter, as though someone has told a wonderful joke and he was the only one to hear it.

Observant - Resourceful - Adaptable - Humorous - Lazy - Materialistic - Self-Indulging - Cunning

The man has two faces. At first glance, one might see an openly friendly wolf, slightly clumsy with his too large frame, often stomping from one place to the next. He is loud, with a ready laugh and most often has a smile on his face. His honey gold eyes radiate warmth, as if whoever they have fallen on is the only person in the world that matters to him. He can be generous, particularly if it will entice a companion to join him in drinking. But beneath it all is a selfish, dangerous undercurrent. The man is only out for his own personal gain, and not above manipulating others to do the heavy lifting for him, even if it costs him coin or a pretty trinket or two. A charmer, he can be dangerous when he needs to, both physically and emotionally. He is willing to use all the tools in his arsenal to meet his goals, or those laid out for him by the clan.  

Skills: Fighting/Intellect

Plans: While most shinobi’s first loyalty is to the clan, Narukami is more easily swayed by coin. He looks out for number one first, using his cover as a merchant to gather intel and keep an ear to the ground about potential upcoming work. His outwardly friendly and approachable persona is a ruse, after all, the carefully crafted loudmouth buffoon could never be suspected of the surgical precision he is capable of... if he wasn’t so lazy. Happy to take on the ‘easy jobs’, he has no qualms acting as a broker instead. After all, he knows a guy, or several.

Code word: Fish
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]