
Again again again




3 Years
09-28-2020, 11:42 PM

Rho's teeth snapped closed onto thin air as Naiche jumped back out of the way of her attack and she was quick to land back into her starting stance as her eyes tracked him to see where he went next. It was a little harder to make out the fine details of his attacks in the low light of the moon, but she could at least see his form well enough to see when he got close to put in his counter attack. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt hyper focused, but she was almost glad that was the case. It made her a little jumpy, but at least she was able to react quickly as soon as she saw him doing anything.

Even though she was paying close attention and she was fast, he was still faster. She tried to hop back out of the way the same way he had done, but her back paws slipped a bit on the shifting texture of the sand and it made her stumble a bit in the process and left her leg within his striking distance. Her stumble distracted her from the task at hand for a split moment and with her gaze shifted away from him and turned toward the ground to catch herself, she felt his teeth connect with her skin and it send a momentary, instinctual panic punching into her system. The feeling made her muscles tense and her teeth grit together as her eyes darted back to him and she immediately lashed out without fully thinking through her attack.

She brought her opposite leg up toward his shoulder, unknowingly the injured one since she couldn't see the details of his form in the dark, and aimed to shove against him with a small hop to put her weight into the motion. That blind panic sent her adrenaline into over drive and she didn't really even think about it as a counter attack as much as just wanting to get him away from her as quickly as possible. Whether she was successful in her shove or not, she quickly stumbled back from him and fell into her protective, defensive stance as she panted lightly and watched him with wide eyes for a moment before blinking and realizing what had happened. The realization made her look away from him to stare at the ground, her ears folding back and jaw tensed. Damn it.

Non-judged fight: 2/2
