
Drop on by



6 Years
09-04-2013, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2013, 07:28 PM by Anthem.)

Thump, thump, came the gentle patter of paws on hardened soil. With little hesitation Anthem Destruction wandered along, tail swaying behind him in a wide arc. His presence was unassuming and far from threatening as he padded between the dense trees, weaving in and out of the large trunks. Creamy white pelt ruffled as the wind blew past gently, muscles rippling as limbs moved to carry him along at a steady pace. Symphony had left, claiming she was looking for a meal. Minutes seemed to drag into hours, and he grew uncomfortable when she didn't return as promptly as he wanted her to.

And so he slipped from their makeshift den, into the unknown lands they had settled in for the next few days. His nose wrinkled as he caught his sister's scent. At leas the could follow her -- thought it was rare he found himself wandering on his own. With a shrug, he continued to track her scent, hoping that she would be found quickly.

Even as the figures of two female wolves came into view, who seemed to be talking to one another, he did not realize that he had been following the wrong scent. And he certainly did not notice he was trekking dangerously close to another pack's territory. Immediately he increased his pace, eyes widening with slight surprise as he recognized Novella. Her scent was unmistakable! Behind him, his tail began to wag harder, and he padded forward -- but slight hesitance was visible in his gait. "Nov!" He greeted with, his lyrics slow and deliberate. Anthem was far from typical for a wolf his age, and yet -- he couldn't mistake this girl in a hundred years. After all, it had only been a season since he had last seen her.