
I'm on your side

Ulric and Azariah joining



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-30-2020, 09:18 PM

They didn't have to wait much time at all for Resin's now familiar form to appear. He offered the scarred fighter a friendly grin as she approached, noting the mud and cray that coated her legs. The building of the pack was clearly in full swing and he was happy to see that things were in the works. He was more than ready to get to work and he could only imagine from his few interactions with Resin that she was too. She certainly seemed to be the no-nonsense, hard working type. "Resin," he replied in greeting with a dip of his head and a soft chuckle.

He gave a nod toward Azariah, adding, "This is my fiancé, Azariah. My mother and nieces decided to remain in the mangroves for now - though they might change their minds eventually... Especially my youngest niece Memento - once she finally calls off the search for my sister she may decide to join as well." He gave a brief run down of where the family he had spoken of before was since this was a noticeably smaller crowd than he had originally planned. As much as he had wanted to keep his family together, he finally came to conclusion that it just wasn't going to be possible until he had a pack of his own and even then he wasn't fully convinced he'd be able to reign in his wild child of a nice. Only time would tell he supposed.

He gave Azariah a moment to speak for herself and maybe speak to what she would help with since he hadn't mentioned any of that previously before turning his attention back to Resin again. "I'm sure you already know I'm a fighter, but I'm ready to help wherever you need me," he added with his usual lop-sided grin, the expression pulling at the scar that crossed his cheek. "Thanks again for offering us a place - I'm excited to be here."
