




3 Years
10-01-2020, 07:53 AM

Perhaps it was all the wandering that she'd done when she was looking for her mother and sister, but every once in a while Fel's paws just carried her out and away. Away from family. Away from pack. Away from everything. They'd done so today. After the rest of Aerie was safe and snug in their beds, the silver striped shadow crept slowly and silently away.

Once she hit the wide expanse of the open prairie, she ran. Fel ran as fast and as far as her legs would carry her. When her strength faltered and her legs weakened, she pushed to go just a little further. By the time she was done, the lithe lady was panting profusely, but she was content. Spying an outcrop of raised rock, the woman leaped upon it and sprawled out on her stomach, both fore and hind legs outstretched.

There had been a lot on Fel's mind of late. Her brother had passed; having been crushed by falling rock. It was difficult. She hadn't wanted to think about it and so she hadn't come to terms with the fact that Aureus was gone. She simply locked that part of her life in a box. She would come to it at some point, but certainly not now.

From her place upon the raised platform of stone, blood red eyes stared upwards, noting the brilliance of the night sky. Stars danced with one another, streaking through the sky in two's, three's, and then many, many more. It was a lovely sight and she was glad to be out and about to witness it. The moon was as big as a moon could be and its soft light illuminated the land like a muted sun. Ah, yes. The night was perfect.

What could make the night better? The form that approached through the long grasses. Fel's trademark smirk curled her maw upwards and her sweet, sultry tones drifted forth across the quiet prairie. "So we meet again." Attempted murderer or no, he had intrigued her at the party. Would the man continue to do so now?


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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.