
Ulric x Azariah first litter!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-01-2020, 03:53 PM

Bird and I are proud to present the first of what is sure to be several Azaric litters! We haven't really decided on how many pups we want to take for this litter - we're just going to see what kind of interest and applications we get and figure it out from there! I'll be happy to pay for any extra pup passes we might need so no worries there. They are due to be born on October 27th so get those applications in! We'll try to pick the players in about two weeks so that there is plenty of time for you to get your profiles in order. If you're interested in one of these babies keep reading!

How are they going to be raised?

When they are born, Ulric and Azariah will both be living in the Hallows and will probably be living there for a majority of their first year. I would still like to build a pack with Ulric at some point, but I'm not entirely sure when or if that will actually come to fruition. That could certainly be a turning point in their development somewhere along the line if that does happen. Either way, both parents are going to be very attentive and loving. I imagine that there will be plenty of new parent goofs along the way, but they mean well, I promise! Ulric will of course be extremely protective of his children and will want to keep them as a tight knit family as much as possible. I completely understand and support character development and the fact that plots might pull them elsewhere eventually, but I would like for them to at least stay with their parents until they're a year old. I'm also not against "bad" things happening to them - whatever you feel like is fun for you to play or what would be good character development then go for it. For alignments, I would expect them to be somewhere in the neutral to good range - evil alignments would be a stretch. They're most certainly going to have hard working and loyalty values instilled in them early on!

What can they look like?

For the most part, any natural color is going to be fair game. Black, gray, white, any shade of brown, and some reds or russets are very easily in the realm of possibility. The only un-natural color that would realistically show up is maybe yellow from Ulric's father Ganta, but otherwise these guys should be in the natural color realm. Patterns though are pretty free game! Bridling and tri color patterns are really big on Azariah's side while Ulric comes from the appaloosa spoted side of the Adravendi tree. Any sort of speckles, spots, brindle, merle... That's all definitely in their family trees. Mutations are rare, but not out of the question. If they do have a mutation it would most likely be long hair (from Ganta). I wouldn't rule out something like elongated fangs either - I'll probably give something like that to my boy. Height and build could be literally anything! Ulric is 45" with a heavy build and Azariah is 34" with a medium build. Their family members have been all over the map size wise so whatever you want them to be is definitely possible. You'd have a 25% discount on height from Ulric all the way up to 45" if you wanted.

I've made a few designs that you are welcome to pick from! If you have an idea and just want me to help you make it or if you want me to adjust something on one of the designs for your application I'd be happy to do that! Just shoot me a message on discord. I also made a color reference sheet when I was designing these so if you want an idea of what colors to go for you can use it if you're planning on making your own design. Link! If you decide to make your own design, I would like that design to stay with the character if it ever gets readopted so that no art made for them goes to waste.

How about names?

Names are kind of up to you, but there would be a strong preference toward English, Gaelic, or French names. My pup is going to be named Ezra Fortis Adravendi and Bird's will be Everlyse Marie Adravendi. Obviously there's a preference toward full, three part names and they will have Adravendi for their last name. (PS Bird and I both really like names with meanings!) As a side note, Azariah knows a LOT of different languages and she is teaching Ulric how to speak Latin so if you want to take the route I did to use a word from Latin or another language as one of their names that's a good place to start.

What do we expect from you?

We both completely understand that life gets crazy and you may not be able to post like crazy all the time, but I'd at least like to see them posted semi regularly and be involved with the family and pack. I really don't like readopting pups, but if it gets to be like six months after they were born and you've only posted them two or three times then I'll probably see about reclaiming them. If you know you're going to have some kind of extended absence and know you'll be back just let us know! We'll figure out some kind of reasonable IC reason for them to be gone.


<b>Out-of-Character Name:</b>
<b>Character's Name:</b>
<b> Gender:</b>
<b>Adult Height:</b>
<b> Alignment:</b>
<b>Appearance Description:</b> 100 words
<b>Personality:</b> 150 words
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)