
Curiosity Killed the Cat, but Not the Wolf



09-04-2013, 08:34 PM
The rolling hills were a fantastic playground to the young wolf. Her feet raced over and the new ground and each peak held a different view. She was emphatic with the discoveries at every turn! Leaving home even after her father's explicit warning was such a blessing in disguise! To keep such a spirit locked up in pack life was torture, pure torture! She needed to run and leap and learn about the world, not just about that which happens in her small home.

A pink tongue cascaded out of her mouth. Resnera's bright blue eyes sparkled with the thrill she was having in exploration. It bewildered her that anyone could stay at home and not see what the world had to hold. The black of her coat stood out like a sore thumb in this brown grass and it would not be long until she was discovered. Whoever found her though, she would cross that bridge when she came to it.

Her eyes danced across the plains as she rounded the top of the next hill. Sucking in a big breathe she saw something she had never seen before. There were creates as large as ten of her in a group to her left down the valley. With her ears perked with interest she ran towards them on the top of one of the knolls. She was a magnificent figure up there. Her body was all stretched out as she ran at break neck speed. If anyone were there to watch, she would have probably taken there breathe away.

When Resnera got closer to the unsuspecting animals she ran sideways, crossing her front and back legs over to the right. Coming to a halt her eyes were trained on the figures below. Eyes wide as she watched them, she threw her head back to howl. Little did she know that if she went through with this action a stampede would ensue.