
Safe And Sound




Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-02-2020, 12:24 AM
Really brave to ride on his raft? “Oh sure I am brave!” Outlaw seems happy with the concept, but about the same was a puppy, not because its earned but it just sounds neat. “Though you know, it really was a pretty good raft.  None of the important parts broke off, just some of the twigs.  Just enough wind to get us moving.  Oh! I saw some fish in the water and tried to catch one, but then I fell in. The raft was so strong that I was able to climb back on!.” Ok so the raft had almost fallen over when he did that admittedly but it had still worked!  

“That sounds great.  I’d love to see the hut.  Your friendly so I’m guessing its an open place and bright somehow? You let in lot of the sun?” Outlaws words were starting to slow now to a more normal speed.  From super excited he had gone to just happy chatter, “I’ve never seen a hot spring before, so its hot water?”  Then she was pointing out about how she came to see her because of the glow.  Did she realize how amazing it was that water could stay hot? If that’s what a ‘hot spring’ was.  Though this was awfully nice also!

“What makes it glow? Is it magic? My uncles mate said that anything with magic glows.” A moments pause before adding, “but he also says eating fish is dangerous, so gotta take what he says with a bit of skepticism."

Another new topic! Maybe the best one yet! “I was going to explore anyway, so this means I just get company!” Yes, the energy level picked up again and the tail was drumming a decent thump thump thump against a rock. “super-secret?” Outlaw’s ears straightened up a bit but as the hat started to tilt he relaxed them, glancing all about, “do you think its hiding on top of things, like the trees or buried? Do you think there’s a rock cave somewhere in here like back home with stuff in it? Or a shiny box?”  Outlaw had quite the imagination and it was overflowing right now.