
There's A Ghost Inside Me




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-02-2020, 10:30 AM

Sleep wasn’t something that had been easy to come by since she arrived in Boreas and then within the confines of the Ashen pack. It wasn’t necessarily an issue with her new living arrangements since the life of a slave was one that she was familiar and comfortable with, but after growing up in the large, crowded den of the lower class sleeping in more solitary situations had been a hard thing to adjust to. There was also the difficulty she faced with the near constant nightmares she went through on a nearly nightly basis. The memories from the attack on her old pack had slowly pieced themselves back together as she recovered from her injuries and now they replayed steadily through her dreams and startled her awake frequently.

Usually she would lay there and force herself to go back to sleep, but tonight she just couldn’t do it. She laid there and stared at the walls of the den for what felt like ages before finally giving up on it and slipping out into the open. She wasn’t sure where she would go, but her paws carried her back to the spot where she had first found herself when her legs had finally given out from her sprint away from her ravened homeland - and where Venom had found her half dead. It had been a good bit of time since that day and her wounds had mostly healed by now. They were covered in fresh, tender scar tissue and some were visible through her fur where it hadn’t fully grown back just yet. With any luck they would mostly be hidden in the thicker fur of her scruff and neck once it was all said and done, but she wasn’t really one to care too much about vanity. They were scars of a war and she wouldn’t be ashamed of that.

The land was dark and the moon and stars offered little light to see by. She at least remembered all of the mud and gunk she had worked through the last time she had gone blindly running into the swampland so this time around she was much more careful. Moving slowly over uneven tree branches and watching where she placed her paws carefully, she avoided any suspicious looking dirt that could possibly turn out to be quick sand. As she walked by one of the larger trees with wide roots poking out of the ground here and there, a wolf seemingly jumped toward her out of no where and it startled her enough to lash out in instinct. She jumped back at first to give herself enough space to fall into her defensive stance, making sure to give herself a secure footing on this soft ground as she pivoted to looked at her opponent with a snarl. Her nightmare riddled mind combined with the obscurity of the dark was immediately convinced that this was one of the wolves that had attacked her old pack and had come to find her to finish the job and once that idea planned in her mind it was hard for her to be convinced other wise.

Without a second thought she leapt forward toward the other woman in an attempt to wrap her forelegs around the charcoal and red marked wolf, wanting to grab ahold of her scruff in an attempt to over power her. They were fairly similar in height and build so it was an unfortunately even match. Now she could only hope that her many hours of practicing and fighting would pay off to give her the upper hand.
