
Knock knock



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
10-02-2020, 10:54 AM

Tamsyn had found a quick friend and companion in Ulric's mate since the pair joined their pack recently. She knew that part of it was just the fact that they would go through their pregnancies together and their children were sure to be together quite a bit as long as Azariah and Ulric remained in the Hallows, but she was also just happy to have another wolf that she could relate with so well. They were both first time mothers trying to support their lovers the best they could in their endeavors - how much more did they really need to form a friendship over? She walked around the border of the Hot Springs to do her usual patrol, but she was moving a bit slower than normal these days and it had become more of a time for her to chat and stretch her legs with Azariah than it really had been to do any kind of real patrol. She left that part to the fighters like Askan and Ulric. This was more just out of boredom and habit than anything. She wasn't so large that it was uncomfortable to get around just yet, but she was very noticeably pregnant with what she had been told was probably going to be a large litter of pups.

A familiar figure standing at the border caught her attention and she blinked with surprise. Not only was she confused by the fact that Zee was waiting at the border instead of just coming into the pack lands, she also hadn't seen her old friend in quite some time so seeing her so incredibly pregnant was a shock in of itself. She wondered what the chances were that they were all pregnant at nearly the same time and it was odds that Tamsyn couldn't hope to calculate. She picked up the pace just a bit to hurry over to Zee, giving the spiral horned woman a wide grin. "Welcome to our pregnant woman club," she teased with a laugh as she went up to press her nose to Zee's cheek, her tail wagging gently behind her. "Though from the look of it you were probably the founder." She nodded her head toward Azariah, giving her friend a smile. "Zee, this is Azariah. Azariah, this is Zee - she's one of the leaders of mine and Resin's former pack." She was much more than that in Tam's eyes, but that was enough to explain the connection. Turning her attention back to Zee, she asked, "What are you doing out here? Why didn't you just come in? Or at least call for us!"
