
attack dogs

Polaris I


1 Year
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019
10-02-2020, 02:36 PM

Polaris hopped her father wouldnt mind her sneaking out here for some time. There was a lot she missed in her self-isolation, the mourn was over, it was time for her to enjoy what was last of her youth. The world could have a lot to offer and she had yet to know what that was, but her family or the remaining of it was her world and by no means she would ever abandon them. Yes, she could still explore Boreas as she wanted but always returning to those she owned her existence.

And there she went all the way south, the opposite hemisphere to her icy home. Eyes of icy blue stared at the place with great curiosity but keeping her expression still collected as her walk became relaxed and lacking any rush, there was no need to.

But then as the wind kissed her grey frame, a commotion brought her attention and there she found a male in a conflict with a pack of canines she didnt knows about, never seeing those before but that mattered little as she took a quick note of the situation. But well, even though she didnt have business with the stranger she couldn’t leave without at least doing something to her own kind. Quickly she walked silently hoping her heavy frame wouldnt make too much noise and there she snarled and broke into the Dhajole circle in a stumble and as a warning she snapped at the nearest dog. If you mess with a wolf you mess with all of them, that was the message she wished to give.


[Image: Polaris_pixel.png]