
oh what tangled webs we weave




3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
10-02-2020, 05:10 PM
Satisfied, Tyrian nodded once to himself firmly. He was right and Lachlan knew it. Look at him problem solving. He was a damn good advice giving king. And it was a shame to think Lachlan could have wasted the whole night if not for Tyrian's intervention. Under normal circumstances Tyrian probably wouldn't have been brazen enough to confidently assume he knew Lachan's night had been lackluster so far, but the idea that he might be wrong never once crossed his mind and the longer he held onto the belief Lachlan had missed out the worse it seemed to him. It grew sadder by the second and Tyrian was really starting to feel bad for the guy. Fuck his needy sister! Lachlan deserved to have a good time, dammit.

"Damn right," he said, embracing the role of Lachlan's hype man. "So what do you want to do then, huh?" Tyrian rolled over so he could sit properly and eyed the throng of nearby wolves. His thoughts swam back to what Jupiter had said in the beginning. He still wasn't happy with his nephew, but he had to admit that when it came to these sort of events, Jupiter had god-tier knowledge. Thus, if Tyrian was to help this man out he was going to have to think like Jupiter. "I've been around a bit." A very generous statement. "I'll help you get whatever you want 'cause the sound of your night wasted just breaks my heart." Tyrian squinted and wracked his brain in an effort to channel Jupiter's next moves. "So whatdya want? Women? Men? Gimme something to work with."
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.