
Again again again




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
10-02-2020, 11:10 PM

It was dark and some small details could be hard to read, but whether it was that extra bit of moon that showed on her for a moment or just the change in her demeanor that made it so obvious Naiche liked what he saw when she raised her up with her answer.  The way the fight had ended the yellow wolf couldn’t label her confident by any means, but she at least was looking at him now instead of the ground.  A small curve of a smile was put on his face, though no words came forth right away with the smile.  

So they would work on her offense?  Was there any way to do that besides just letting her attack him, someone else, or the targets?  Naiche looked up at the night sky for a moment as if to find answers for what was next. After that moment he looked back to Rhona, “Alright, first thing.  The spot in my shoulder where you accidentally kick me? Be sure not to hit that again please during this.  I got injured a bit earlier and the wound just finally closed up.” Which is of course why he had chosen to spar at night.

“Before you start attacking let's do some strategizing.  Tell me the key differences between us that matter in a fight, and the best ways to put those to your advantage.  If you aren’t sure, guess.  Better to have a plan of action even if nots the best, otherwise you might hesitate questioning yourself.  Confidence is big in battle, and in planning battles.” Naiche spoke like he’d been doing this for so long of course.  Could a few months count as a lot?  Tam had done this during her training session with all the wolves that one time, asked them to figure things out.  So he'd try it also.

Naiche was feeling more confident with this the longer they did it.  Was this the best way? Probably not, but he would learn and get better as surely as he had with fighting.  Removing the belief that she would be worthless and putting in the requirement she had to learn Naiche was having to look at how to solve the puzzle from a different angle.  They would see in time if Tam was right that she could become better.  Either way it was kind of fun trying, imagine if he could make another wolf stronger?  It seemed a pretty great feat in his mind.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]