
Wonderful Life




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-02-2020, 11:16 PM

He found himself leaning into her touch when she rubbed into his jaw and neck and it took all of his self control to not hug her tighter to his form at the same time. He let her process the range of what he was willing to give her and for a moment they were quiet. Having her this close and letting her absolutely overwhelm all of his senses made him hope and wish that she would decide to go with the option that she had been hinting toward all this time, but he kept himself from getting too wrapped up in the idea just in case she decided it wasn't what she wanted. When she began to step away from him he thought for sure that was the case and he prepared to hide his slight disappointment at the development. However, as soon as he caught the look in her beautiful eyes he realized that his initial guess had been wrong. She settled down into their chosen bed for the night and invited him to join her, the thought alone sending that intoxicated flutter through him again.

He got to his paws and walked over to where she had settled, his own eyes and expression mirroring hers. Before he moved to her side, he brought his muzzle down to hers and gave her a lingering, testing, desire filled kiss. When his lips parted from hers he let his eyes find hers again and he replied quietly, "I would like nothing more." He went to lay beside her then and nuzzled his face into the pale fur of her scruff, letting her scent and presence fully envelop him. A small part of him hoped that this wouldn't be the only time that their paths crossed, but even if this was destined to be their only meeting this was a wonderful evening that he intended to make one they wouldn't soon forget. He wasn't sure what was motivating her to give into these desires or what sort of gap he was filling in her life, but for now he would help her forget whatever it was.

Gentle kisses and nibbles covered her ears, jaw, cheeks, and neck as he slowly and tenderly covered every part of her in affection and attention. He'd been worried that he wouldn't know what to do or what she would like, but it all came back to him easily and he just let himself go with his quickly building desires. He wasn't sure if all males were like this, but he got just as much enjoyment, if not more, out of making her feel wonderful as he did anything else. For a while his entire focus was put into making sure every single inch of her form was given the same amount of attention. For this moment at least, they were no longer strangers in his mind. At least for tonight, they were lovers and he was going to treat her as such.

Eventually he found himself with their forms tangled and mingled together and he looked down into her eyes with one last questioning glance to give her one last chance to back out if she wished. As long as he didn't find any concern or hesitation there then he would finally give in to the longing and desperate desire and would melt into her entirely. The lines where she ended and he began were blurred and the world outside of this little segment of the Redbud Nook they had claimed fell away till he wasn't entirely sure it had ever existed.

- fade -
