
oh what tangled webs we weave




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-03-2020, 03:42 PM
Maybe it was only an encouraging little push Lachlan needed to fully embrace the experience of the party. He wasn’t blind, there were pairs of wolves sprinkled all over the beach, and every time he looked too hard he regretted it. Maybe if he had been more bold his swim partner could have been more than that, but he was too worried of making a fool of himself. Like he was with Tyrian. That’s what all of the alcohol was for though, right?

When Tyr rolled into him Lachlan couldn’t help but peek one eye from behind his paw as Tyrian righted himself. He didn’t resist when his paw was pulled from his eyes, and baby blues were met with a stormy gaze. ”You.. you do? You would?” Lachlan stuttered and squeaked. He was pleasantly surprised, but he really hadn’t expected Tyrian to say anything like that. His red fur hid a sudden blush, but he felt the heat in his cheeks spread over his body.

Lachlan was keenly aware of his ivory paw still held by Tyrian’s massive hand, his eyes drawn there as he froze. He was sure that his heart was thundering in his chest like a horse galloping over the plains. ”I.. um. I don’t think it would be a wasted night if I.. If you..” Why was she getting tongue tied so easily? He wasn’t one to stutter and he was sure that it wasn’t just the alcohol.

For a moment he thought the pit in his stomach had been nerves, but the liquor had long rid him of that. He really liked Tyrian, in the very short time he’d known him, there was a bit of attraction. Lachlan took a deep breath and ventured forth. He was an explorer of all the unknown, and this was very much unknown. ”If you held me, and uhm...” His voice was quiet, but he’d found his determination. Tyrian was worth his effort, and he was going to enjoy the night and making it count. ”Would you kiss me?” He was sure that his heart just fell in his stomach and his lungs stopped working completely.