
Step Lightly


09-05-2013, 12:41 AM

The multi toned dull colored male had made himself a spot some distance away from his companion. He had settled himself down, lying half sprawled and half curled as his eyes began to drift closed. He had made sure that Yin had bedding and fresh food in case she were hungry, and so his body began to exhaust from the days events. As soon as his eyes would drift shut, he felt something pushing apart his limbs and then press against him. Brows furrowed in confusion, he lifted his head slightly to see what the commotion was. Eyes widened in surprise when he saw Yin curling into his own form, his foreleg draped around her lithe form as she began to drift asleep. He remained staring at her for a few moments, and slowly he would let himself relax.

Breathing in a sigh of contentment, Hansel began to tightly curl his form with Yin's. The foreleg that was over her would gently pull her closer to him, and his face would bury gently into her neck fur. Subconsciously his body would feel heated, though he didn't know why. He wondered if this was just a display of sibling like affection, seeing as how the two were both twins. But then again...he couldn't help but feel something more than just sibling similarities. He had been feeling strangely aware of different feelings that began to plague him today when he was around her, and he wondered if it had anything to do with the closeness they had shared with today's challenge.
"Good night Yin...Sweet dreams." He whispered, knowing she was most likely already asleep.

At last, his eyes would finally close and he would slip into a dream. The cool and sweet scent of Yin filling his nostrils, and seemingly filling his mind as he began to dream of things he never thought of before.
