
One Up!

Hunt Skills



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-04-2020, 01:51 AM

Each wolf gave their answer in turn. Aslatiel listened to Naiche speak and her amaranthine eyes grew stern. "Getting up close depends on the size. If they're the size of this one, getting up close is fine. However," she continued, her gaze still locked on him. "If you see pigs this size, you can be sure that their mother is somewhere nearby. You do not want to encounter a mother pig trying to protect her children." They were vicious and powerful things. And when a mother cried, there was a chance that a male would follow those cries. Boars were definitely out of their league. The little guy that she had in her cage had been an opportunity that she couldn't pass. Asla had snatched it up while its mother's back was turned and hid away in the thick roots of the mangroves where she couldn't reach. Clever girl.

Next came Hanako. Surprise, surprise, the brain headed girl had nothing to add. Absolutely nothing to share with the class. If possible, Asla's gaze hardened more and she simply scoffed, exhaling audibly through her dusty brown nose before moving on to the next. What did Az see in her?

Magnus answered and his response was better, thankfully. The striped lady nodded her approval. "For larger prey, especially wild pigs, you can save yourself a lot of trouble and possible injury by creating a trap. Pitfalls work best for boar since they're so large. They have to be well covered though. Pigs are smart."

Aslatiel smiled at the trio of students. "Now comes the fun part. I want the three of you to simply catch the pig. The winner gets a free dinner and my respect for the day. Oh, and there's something else." Turning, Aslatiel grabbed a small container from behind her. Lifting it above the cage, she dumped it on the pig and the creature grunted in surprise. "Pigs are slippery things and can turn in a dime to duck and dive through the mangroves, so I've made this one extra slippery." She'd poured melted oil over top of the pig. It would be a task for any of them to catch it, but the one that did would be the winner of the day.

"Good luck. I'll be judging your tactics and we'll discuss after." With that, she opened the door to the cage and gave the pig a little prick through the bars with her claws. It squealed and rocketed out of the enclosure, skirting to the left to look for a way out of danger. Sorry piggy, not today.


OOC-(I rolled to see who gets to kill the pig. Magnus won, so post accordingly, please.)
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