
I sip, you sip, we sip [Jup's bachelor orgy]



2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
10-04-2020, 12:50 PM
Her explanation made perfect sense. The shy, not so adventurous sister following the social butterfly. Kinda like how Cicero followed him around. The word 'shy' couldn't be used for her since her deal struck Hyperion as more disinterested than shy, but the comparison still stood. Reserved wolves, as far as he could tell, were drawn to follow more adventurous ones they were comfortable around. If he had his guess Cicero was around here somewhere, although he wasn't about to go looking as the night he had planned didn't involve sharing any space at all with any siblings.

"Oh me?" He was caught of guard for the briefest of seconds. A lie was on the tip of his tongue - oh, what a coincidence, me too! - but he dismissed it as  transparently trying too hard. Instead he went with one that flirted with the truth. "I heard a guy talking about it and decided to check it out. It sounded fun, you know? Party on the beach and all." He shook his head and glanced over at the growing bonfire before taking another swig of the drink. "I wasn't expecting something so...big." There was some truth there. He hadn't thought it would be like this - he'd just hoped it would be. "Or so..." He gestured vaguely at a couple who were clearly flirting, letting Motif fill in the rest.

He glanced at Motif and then offered her the drink again. "Not that I think this is bad or anything," he said quickly as though fearing she might think he was a prude. In truth he was just trying to suss out her opinion on the scene. If he had a chance with her he wanted to know.