
It's Just a flesh wound!




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
10-04-2020, 06:04 PM

Large bird... well that explained the blood smell. Sedna nodded her agreement to having time, she seemed to be made of time these days, now that her garden was settled and she was trying to not open up her own shoulder wound, the one over her eye still tender, but not in imminent risk of splitting back open. "Yer might wanna step back, e’
s gonna be pissed about ‘avin’ ‘is nap interrupted, but I’m gonna need ‘is hands."

Failing to elaborate further, she stepped into the darkened den. Outside there would be an audible "Oi," followed by scuffling, hissing, growling and the clatter of shells and bowls clashing against each other. Inside the den, Otis had woken with a start and quickly attached himself to Sedna’s face when she had poked him with her nose. She emerged from the den with a long suffering sigh, opossum clinging to her face, his whole weight supported by the long fur that rested along her neck just behind her ears. He blinked angrily at the light, growling and trying to climb over the wolf that carried him out of the dark den, making it half way down her back before she turned and grabbed a leg gently, placing him on the ground in front of her, using her body to shade him from the sun, a paw pressed across his stomach to stop him retreating back into the den. "Otie, we gotta work." She said simply, reducing the growls and hisses to a low grumble as she watched the opossum regard the wolf before them, pushing at her paw to get up off the ground.

He waddled closer, lifting up on his rear legs to comb through the fur of Naiche’s shoulder, assessing the depth of the wound with a low grumble, moving into the second den where they kept bits and bobs that might be useful. She had recently found a wolf with all manner of strange things on offer, she wondered if he would come back with something familiar or strange.

The Archer-Lyall also moved towards the medicinal den, gathering a pinch of periwinkle and adding it to a bowl with some of the cedar Sirius had helped her gather, back before she had a companion capable of climbing trees to help her. She watched as Otis wrapped a length of willow bark no longer than his arm in goldenrod and secured it with a long piece of sweet grass, handing it off to Sedna as he continued to rummage about. She gave him a grateful smile, of course he’d be worried about comfort. She just wanted to get the job done.

Exiting the den, she put the wrapped branch by the golden wolf’s paws. "Yer might wanna give that a chew. ‘S bitter shit, but it’ll take th’ edge off." She could hear Otis dragging her bowl out of the den and she moved to the back of the garden to get a little bit of honeycomb to add to the mix she had started, thinking not for the first time that she should make her own fire pit by her den to help melt the stuff down. Maybe now Meadow was gone, it was something she should consider more seriously.


we wear red so they don’t see us bleed
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]