
Oh, Simple Thing, Where Have You Gone?




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-04-2020, 06:44 PM

The small healer talks and, to his credit, Naiche slows down and listens to her. Life in the Armada is fast paced with all the learning, helping others and patrols that take place. He is a fighter and Meadow knows that the life of a fighter is always full of turmoil and fights. Many wolves thrive off the adrenaline and excitement that life brings. To ask him to slow down and talk… well, Meadow thinks it is very kind of the wheat colored wolf to humor her. Perhaps it is the homesickness that makes her even more eager to talk to with him; all the small wolf really knows is that she is thankful for Naiche taking time of his busy life to talk to her.

Her warning is answered and she nods sagely, seeing another glimmer of the warrior in him and she wonders if this is too low key for Naiche. A smile is on her lips as he speaks of her hut and visiting and she tells him, “I would like to show you around Naiche. Maybe I could introduce to Askan and some of the other fighters. I am sure you would have fun!” Briefly, Meadow thinks how they might be better company for the wheat colored wolf than herself. They say birds of a feather flock together… so maybe that means all warriors have a secret code or something that lets them speak through their fighting. She will have to ask Askan about that sometime.

As he shares the news of the what she has missed, Meadow feels tears prick her eyes but she stubbornly wills them away. She will not cry in front of Naiche. What would he think of her? Instead she tells him, “That is wonderful Naiche! How are you liking the responsibilities that come with the rank? Where do you see yourself going? With ranks I mean.” As he speaks of Zee and Sirius expecting more pups, her smile grows and she dips her head for a moment, saying, “That is great to hear! I am sure you will be a great teacher! Maybe that will help you reach the rank you want.” Meadow is not an ambitious wolf, instead content to let her skills do the talking. Helping where she can, the small healer doesn’t care about what rank she has, as long as she can practice her healing arts.

Not wanting Naiche to grow restless, Meadow lifts her head and moves to stand, saying, “I know you have a lot to do, so what if we walk the border and talk? You can patrol and I can keep you company? I promise to stay on this side of the border.” Her smile is bright and, while it is true that Sirius had said the border is open to her, Meadow still does not want to cross it without permission. Naiche is a warrior for the Armada and she does not want him to think she is stepping on his toes by just hopping into the territory. She will walk in the weeping woods and he can walk in the Armada land, they will talk, he can feel accomplished and Meadow can feel close to her old home again. Win, win… right?


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm