
Into this world we’re thrown




3 Years
10-04-2020, 07:54 PM

When he confirmed his obliviousness to both, her tongue clicked behind her teeth. It’s like the wolves here wanted their spawn carried off in the night. "Well, they’re two very different beasties," She began matter of factly. "Y’should never give th’ fae yer name, there’s power in it, they can use it ter bind yer to their lands, make yer do things yer wouldn’t normally consider, like walk right off a cliff. Or they’ll trap yer an’ send a changeling ter take yer place. Thing is though, changeling’s can’t live on our food. They cry, an’ whither, drain their would be parents of life until they either offer the changeling back to th’ woods, or it wastes away ter nothin’. But if they don’t offer it back, yer’ll never see ‘em again. There has ter be a trade. They’re tricky things, fae. Y’should never take food strangers offer yer either, especially not yer’ve accidentally stepped into a ring o’ mushrooms. If yer eat food that’s been offered by ‘em, well, yer won’t find yer way back home. They’ll either keep yer..." She let her voice trail off for a moment considering, well, the boy had wanted to know. "Or they’ll eat yer." She let her voice trail off, the buzzing of cicadas and the hooting of an owl in the distance, a heavy stepping deer in the undergrowth cracking branches as it went all added to the chorus of the night. She couldn’t have asked for a better soundtrack.

"The yeth hound though," She began again, "well there are less rules ter keep yer safe when it comes ter dealin’ with him." She wondered if the child would still want to know more, leaving the floor open for him to request that she continue.


riders on the storm

wc - 294
tc - 1324
[Image: Tilly.png]