
Safe And Sound




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-04-2020, 10:18 PM
Meadow listens with great interest to everything Outlaw has to say. Mentioning how he could keep an eye out for something that Rigel might like, Meadow feels all warm and fuzzy inside. Gah! Outlaw is so pure that the small healer’s heart melts and she decides, right then and there, that she will do anything to make him happy. Rigel hoots his appreciation and, with a bright smile she says, “Oh Rigel would love that! If you find any hats that might fit him, I am sure Rigel would love it.” Another excited hoot and Meadow’s smile only grows.

Something about Outlaw makes her happier than she has been in such a long time. Maybe she can convince Resin or Tamsyn to accept him into the pack. He could be their official greeter or moral booster. Feeling sad? Here is Outlaw to brighten your day! Okay, so maybe they had only just met but Meadow knows a good soul when she sees one and Outlaw has the kindest one she has seen in a long time. Even as Meadow listens to him agree to her idea, his tail wagging, she feels her heart lifting.

Nodding as he says at least Resin would know they had offered and then offers to bring her back something she might like, Meadow melts a little more. Dang it. So pure! Then Outlaw says Resin is a good wolf and Meadow nods eagerly, saying, “Oh yes. Resin is a good wolf.  She cares about others, a lot.” Okay so maybe she doesn’t always show it but Resin does care. About everyone. Meadow knows her sister and the big wolf has a heart of gold; even if it slightly buried and tarnished. There is no hiding from Meadow the kindness that is in her sister’s heart.

Talk of the spoon has Outlaw’s tail slowing and he talks again of his home. Meadow’s own tail wags slowly as she nods and shrugs, saying, “Maybe it is extra special. This looks like pure silver so it could be very special. Look how shiny it is!” Eyes look at her former trinket before being drawn back to Outlaw. As she walks over and nudges him, telling him about mean wolves, his words have her heart melting even more and the need to protect him raising. His kind, gentle heart doesn’t want her to get hurt either but Meadow knows she would lay down her life for this pure wolf.

She doesn’t tell him that, instead saying, “Well, if anything ever happens that makes you sad, let me know. Okay?” Aiming to gently nudge him again, Meadow says, “Why don’t we go for a walk? I will take to my pack and you can rest there. You must be very tired after your journey. I can put your treasure in my bag if you would like.” Moving to place the spoon in her bag, she then turns her body in the direction of the hot springs before asking, “So Outlaw, do you any more stories of your home?” Meadow wants to hear every story he has and she listens with rapt attention as she starts to walk toward home.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm