
I'm on your side

Ulric and Azariah joining



5 Years

10-05-2020, 02:01 PM

It wasn't long at all before they were joined by the woman Ulric had described. Something about her one-eyed face intimidated Azariah still, but she held herself together and as the older woman approached, she felt her monochrome frame press subconsciously closer to Ulric. Resin hadn't been threatening, the witch was simply shy and mostly unsure of herself in a pack setting. It was too late to back out now, not that she would want to. Her will to be by her fiance's side was too strong to let her abandon him, besides, she needed the comfort of his presence just as much as he needed hers. With a smile, Azariah dipped her head as Resin had in greeting. Her smile grew wider and she seemed to rise rather than shrink back as Ulric introduced her to the alpha.  As he paused, she piped up, finding her voice shakey at first due to nerves, but it gathered confidence the more she spoke. "Pleased to finally meet you! I suppose I would be best with healing, but, honestly I will go where needed...I am not a fighter, though." It was after she proposed what she was best at that Ulric did the same and thanked her for the new home.

Azariah gave another smile and waved her monochrome tail behind her, ready to start the next chapter of her life. She was happy, truly happy, and she couldn't imagine being any happier than she was with Ulric. The pack would be good for them, she was sure, and she could never thank Resin enough for the opportunity to learn and better themselves. "Yes, thank you! I'm nervous, but excited!" Even though she was a bit awkward with others, she made her best effort to at least be endearing about it. Azariah realized she was a bit more rusty with social interaction than she first presumed.

Note: words go here.
| Word count: ### words |
"Talking." | 'Thought.' | 'Others.'

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