
There's a small rock in my heart[isar]


09-05-2013, 06:59 AM

These were urgent matters in the back of his mind. Oddity could not conceal himself, and he could not betray. He paced back and forth in the autumn weather, his mind was thinking of so many things. After his time spent in Glaciem, he wanted to do more for his king. It wasn't that he was too ambitious, it was the thought of never having a line to carry on his own name. It was two things maybe, but perhaps the chaos of the world could have drawn him to this attention in the first place. Oddity's bi colored orbs looked at the fading moonlight as the sun started to come up. Should he call for such a matter, before he did something reckless. That would be a good idea, in the end he could either lead to his demise or his unsettling. He had been all about surviving, but now he was all about impressing. What had happened to him at this time? How did the odd male change, as to be so distant but not from the rest of the world and those around him. His life blood was pledged to Isar, if he made one wrong move the albino beast had a right to tear out his heart from the foundation and return him to the great blackness.
Oddity stood on his last limb here, strands of his mind were the only thing he could follow. As the boy raised his head, he beckoned his master with a howl. What Isar did was up to himself. In the end his demise could either come sooner or later, yet his plan was one he was eager to obtain, eager to train for. It would make for larger territory, it could benefit Isar in every way, but he still could refuse. Oddity could be a threat if he gained power, even though his undying loyalty to the man was the same. His tail flicked as he pulled back his lips in a shiver. The worst that could happen was that Isar could refuse, but that would only build his anger. He might just end up getting himself killed in the end. So he just waited, his eyes moving from the shivering eagerness to a calm political aspect.
