
Hela x Noir pupsss!




2 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
10-05-2020, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2020, 07:53 PM by Abilene.)
Name: Lurch Louis Klein
Sex: Male
Design:[Image: helapup9.png]
Height/Build: 36 inches, heavy.
Appearance: Lu is an almost spitting image of his mother, cut of the same obsidian black and pale pink eyes, the only remnants if his father visible in the paling of his base coat to make way for swathes of pure, overwhelming black. It sweeps across his spine, only fading near his knees and wrists. His underbelly lightens in the same way his mother's does, a stormy gray smothering his stomach and muzzle. His perfectly pretty pink eyes burn from their dark sockets, glaring and cold. He stands tall and hits hard, body heavy with muscle and carried by strong legs.

Personality: [Hardworking, driven, insecure, frustrated, quick-tempered]

To say that louis works hard is an understatement, for it seemed he understood his goal the moment he left his mother's womb. Ambitious at heart, the boy fights and works and trains as if it were his only purpose. Other pursuits, such as socialising with other puppies, playing and sometimes even sleeping are often dismissed by the boy as frivolous, only a distraction from an ultimate goal. He still indulges of course, it's a necessary if not unfortunate evil, but if it does not involve a current plan of his it is simply lesser. His ultimate goal, whether he's aware of it or not, is to prove himself worthy of the Klein title, to rise among the ranks and become a force to be reckoned with, to be easily recognised among the crowd. To prove himself worthy to be labelled as the son of Hela and Noir, though the latter he'll vehemently deny until his dying days.

Speaking of which, the kid's got major daddy issues. He hates him, simply because he wasn't present, that he left Louis without a true father to speak of, without a proper role model. He pins all of his anger on his dear old dad, when he's really just angry at himself for not being good enough to get his own parent to stay. No matter how hard he tries there will always be a nasty little voice in his skull, constantly whispering about his failures. He just wants to get it to stop, to feel adequate for a moment. It doesn't help that he was the accidental consequence of a one night stand, a mistake.

His fragile self esteem also powers his unforgiving rage, the determination to prove everyone wrong. He projects his own anxiety onto other peoples words, and even a hint of doubt his capabilities will end in a swift and vicious correction. Nobody's allowed to doubt him but himself.

Skills: Fighting & intellect
Plans: He's going to be his mom's right hand man for the majority of his childhood, but long term I'd love for him to slowly divulge from Hela and either become a better person without her or turn into even more of an asshole, we'll see!
[Image: Untitled_Artwork_4.png]

Abby is completely blind as of this thread. The curse will lift on the first day of winter.
Abby has a common brush tailed possum companion named Bell. She’s Abby’s guide dog until her curse is lifted. If she’s not mentioned assume she is close by/present.