
Hunting Pains



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-07-2020, 09:03 PM

He was doing well for his first hunt with her. He had listened to direction and they were both exactly where they were supposed to be. Asla rushed the pig back towards him and Naiche dove, taking out a hind leg. With the inflicted wounds to the limbs as well as the slices that she'd left on the opposite haunch and heel, Asla was confident that they could take the pig down easily.

"The rest of this should be a piece of cake." Head lowered, Aslatiel tensed her muscles in preparation to spring. She would knock the pig down and would let Naiche kill it as a reward for being a good student.  The pig spun and Naiche snapped at a front leg. The young pig squealed loudly in pain. That's when it all went to hell.

Her focus was broken by the cracking of brush and the snapping of vines. Aslatiel did what she told Naiche to not do. She broke her gaze from the pig and looked elsewhere. Good thing she did, too. Standing straight and looking in the direction of the sound, Aslatiel saw the entire situation unfold. Time seemed to slow down considerably as a massive board, the biggest she'd ever seen, came rocketing from the willows. Its beady eyes were on the golden wolf and it began to make a beeline for him. The boar lowered its head, tusks ready to thrust upwards and into Naiche's gut.

Asla broke a second rule then. Never meet a prey animal head on; especially a boar. Really though, what choice did she have? "Naiche!" The girl screamed his name as she dove straight for the boars face. Claws pushed forward, sinking into the thick, hairy flesh right behind its eyes. The beast squealed and lost its momentum as it tried to shake her free. Asla clung on for dear life, but in the end it would be to no avail. With one bucking thrust, the boar would send her flying, but not before her claws raked across both beady eyes, puncturing them both with the razorlike, hooked tips.

If time had gone slowly before, it seemed to be creeping along now. Aslatiel flew through the air. This wasn't so bad, she thought. Naiche is fine. I'm fine. No big deal.

Then she landed.

The sickening crack of a bone snapping in half echoed throughout the willows and at first Aslatiel didn't know what had happened. She had landed, right? The boar had already run off, thrashing blindly through the curtains of willow branches. Hmm. Her leg was warm. It was only when she looked down that she realized what had happened. Asla had landed on her hind legs first. The right leg had slipped somewhat upon landing she remembered. The momentum and the force of her landing had snapped her leg in half. Pristine white bone jutted from a wound in her thigh. The scream was pulling from her throat before she even realized that she was screaming. Pain unlike anything she'd ever felt consumed the small wolf's body. She buckled and went down onto her left side, leaving the exposed wound to the air. After the initial scream, she simply sobbed. Tears streamed from her eyes and she spoke between labored, sucking sobs. "Do," Big inhale. Sob. "Something." Inhale. Sob. Sob. Inhale. "N-Naiche!"

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