
I'm on your side

Ulric and Azariah joining



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-07-2020, 10:57 PM

Resin listened as Ulric introduced his woman and then spoke of his mother and nieces. "Good to meet you, Azariah," she nodded to the smaller woman, then looked back to the man for a moment. "One of your nieces was already here looking for you. I believe her name was Memento." The girl had asked a few questions and that was it. She hadn't seen her again since then.

She did know that Ulric was a fighter simply by his stature, but it was good that he solidified the fact. The one-eyed woman nodded in turn and listened to his mate as she listed her own skills. "As a pack founded with the intent to heal the body and mind, healers are always welcome." With a pull of her head, she motioned for the pair to follow her.

As Resin walked, she talked. "I've claimed the nearby falls as well. I intend to keep the pack up top and the visitors down below." She could welcome others into the territory, but that didn't mean that she trusted them. Already she was worried about Meadow deciding to stay below. "I've already dug quite a few dens for visitors, but there's a lot of construction left to be finished." Leading them into the clearing where the hot springs bubbled, she pointed out the fencing between the pools that she'd begun to lace together with thin saplings. "Off to the side are the visitors dens." Sweeping one paw out, she indicated a row of holes in the treeline. "I've lined them with clay and fire hardened them to keep out moisture." Yes, she'd been working tirelessly from the moment she arrived.

Now that they were within the area of the springs, she turned to the pair. "Ulric, I would have you help to dig and line more dens. Azariah, my sister, Meadow, has a healing hut just over that way. Meet her if you wish. Get familiar with the place." The woman waved a scarred paw absently. "All of this can be done tomorrow. For now, welcome to The Hallows."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]