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5 Years
09-05-2013, 11:59 AM

Novella wasn't easily silenced though the shock of this meeting was certainly one that caused her to hit pause for a moment. She had set off after her siblings, had intended to eventually catch up to them though never once had the possibility of finding Song actually crossed her mind. Perhaps it was simply because she didn't know her sister at all, but even so the young female herself realised therefore it should have been a top priority, that truly was an adventure, to locate and meet her missing sister. Still, it was exciting news really, almost unbelievable that she had achieved it and now she was left wondering what on earth could be said to her, it was odd, being family and yet never having met before.

Anthem was certainly pleased to see her again, Novella couldn't help but wonder why then they had barely spoken of Song. She clearly was a loved member of the family, not that she believed her brother was easily capable of hating or disliking another anyway. Although Song had behaved very differently when she had mistaken Novella for Novel. Curiosity almost caused her to immediately ask why she had left Ahlon, why she had never visited though that was probably a little rude, especially given the fact that it seemed Song wasn't even fully aware of the link yet herself, a simple answer before turning her attention back to Anthem. "Yes, my name is Song. I left Anthem and the rest of my family in Ahlon."

"I know, they're my family too." Novella responded, figuring it would be up to her to point out that she too had been left behind even if she technically hadn't been in existence upon Song's departure. Anthem would probably take a while to catch onto the fact that Song didn't realised who Novella was, if he realised at all.