
Drop on by



6 Years
09-05-2013, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 12:16 PM by Anthem.)

Though there were few things in the world Anthem disliked, his family was among his favorite things. He had never really understood why Song left, though knew Howl didn't seem to like talking about her. All he knew was that it had been a long time since he had seen her. His yellow gaze was fixed unblinkingly on Song. Her joy was obvious, and contagious -- though Anthem wasn't a creature who was terribly hard to please. He was blissfully unaware how different he was then most wolves; he likely would have injured himself or met his death by now, if it wasn't for his siblings caring for him. But the simply boy was happy, so happy, and his grin grew, enveloping his gentle features, revealing pearly white fangs beneath.

"Pretty," he complimented her softly as she snuggled into him, his way of saying she was just as beautiful as when she'd last left. Delicately he returned the gentle nuzzle, burying his nose into her neck fur. The gravity of the situation was lost to him, but slowly he shifted his attention back to Novella. To him, it felt like a joyous family reunion; it did not occur to him that Novella and Song had never met. To him, they were both his sisters, so they were sisters... and clearly had to know one another. Happily he leaned to nose Novella as well, a sure sign that she was family -- for Anthem was not fond of strangers, especially not being so physically close to them.