
Some Designs


09-05-2013, 12:33 PM
Wolf Design #: 3
Name: Jet Aquarion
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Personality: This boy is the complete opposite of Drake. He is self absorbed, egotistical and thinks himself better then his brother, Drake. He won't help anyone unless it benefits him or unless he gains something in return. He does not believe in equivalent exchange, does not believe in good deeds, and karma is out the window for this one. He's a complete bad boy, always flirting with the ladies and constantly lying to everyone. Secrets are another factor of his, and rarely will he spill any of his own. He won't hesitate to rat out his brother, or even hand him over to the dark side for reasons of his own. He always hated the fact that everyone loved Drake, and him always cast to the side. So if he ever got the opportunity to bring Drake in for punishments, abuse, or flat out torture then let it be said that he won't hesitate to do such things. As for a mate, well let this be said as well; He will only reproduce with the ones he deems of having the best qualities. He won't mate or even waste his time with those he thinks are below his standards, so even with his flirtatious side he is quite picky in that field. Sharp tongued and brutally sarcastic, he will never fail to tell you that you aren't worth his time or even worth looking at. Yep, definitely not afraid to say rude and mean things to others.
Plans: I plan on him to be Drakes brother to carry out disaster and devilish plotting against him, and he shall join Glaciem.
Pack or Rouge?: Oh will definitely be joining Glaciem.
Any Relations?: Drake