
pre-dawning of a new era [ASHEN]



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
10-08-2020, 07:30 PM

Harbringr didn't get much of a chance to talk with his sister for the meeting had started. He settled down to listen, all the while wondering if he'd still be able to call Ashen home after his absence.  Venom took the stage, introducing herself as the new empress of the Ashen empire. He was surprised that Deathbelle was stepping down but it didn't show. He assumed as much when he found her seated on the edge of the gathering rather than in the middle.

Recluse stepped forward to state that she'd be starting her own pack. He was proud to see the younger generation stepping forward to lead and if anything it made him feel even more like an out of place relic.  Harbringr wiggled his way out of the travois. He trusted the pups in Deathbelle's presence and as there were so many strangers about he didn't expect even Áskell to venture forth. He moved closer into the group to catch Venom's attention. "Empress! Apologies for my absence. I was unwell. I have returned and I wonder if there is still a place for me here as well as the young I've brought with me? I will go wherever the empire needs me." He glanced at Recluse and nodded. Ashen or Habari, wherever he was needed. "I did want to say that given my failings as Daimyo and my new responsibilities as a parent I do not wish to take up such a valuable spot. You need someone who will not get lost on the path's of their own mind. Though if it please you, I'd still be happy to lend my fangs as a warrior. I am not quite so old yet as to retire completely."