
Tell The World, I'm Coming Home

Outlaw & Resin



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-08-2020, 09:08 PM
Looking from Outlaw to Resin, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes, Meadow offers Resin a warm smile. The silence that falls seems to stretch on forever but it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. Smile starts to falter and fade as the silence pounds into her and Resin takes her time to consider Outlaw. Then, the bottom falls out of her world. No. It is a simple word, two letters long and yet the impact of it is felt like a slap across her face. Everything about her seems to wilt as her heart drops, stomach clenches and it is only compounded when Meadow sees the confused expression that Outlaw wears.

No. She can’t say no. No is not okay. It is final and not what she wanted to hear! It cuts her like a knife to the heart. Turning to Resin, Meadow’s mouth opens, ready to defend her choice in friend and packmate when Resin finishes her sentence. Mouth hangs open, a fish gasping for breath and her jaw pumps, once, twice as she sees the mischievous look in her sister’s eye. Did she just… did Resin just play a trick on her? Wait, what? Laughter starts way down in her belly and works upward until it is bursting out of Meadow’s mouth in loud, explosive bellows. Head tilts back as she laughs, great peels of mirth bouncing around her.

When she finally gets ahold of herself and manages to stop laughing, tears are leaking out of the corners of her eyes from the force.  She shakes her head at Resin, showing her disdain and humor for the trick. Looking to Outlaw as Resin explains The Hallows, Meadow still can’t believe what had happened. A goofy grin rests on her lips and her exhaustion has been replaced with elation. Never mind that she nearly had a heart attack. He thanks Resin and offers her his treasure and Meadow quickly says to Resin, “I will show you the treasure later.”

Throwing a playful wink to Resin, Meadow then looks to Outlaw and says, “We have had a long night. I think it is time for us to go to bed.” Looking to Resin’s confirmation that is okay to leave, Meadow tells her sister, "Thank you!" and starts planning out the bed she will make for Outlaw in her healing hut.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm