
A kingdom of blood and past [amenti/tor/newwolves]



09-05-2013, 02:38 PM

She didn't know what brought her to these lands. Her mind was unsure as to why her paws had carried her towards Tortuga. Maija had no idea that there was a pack there - a pack regrouping - until the many scents hit her nose. Her immediate reaction was her head snapping back from the sudden strike of numerous smells. Never before had she experienced the cocktail of wolves slightly sickened her. Like the first whiff of rubbing alcohol to a sensitive nose, Maija was caught offguard. After a few seconds of getting over it with tearing eyes from the strong combination, she blinked through those said tears and peeked through the nearby trees.
Many wolves were gathering, most of which were large and contained the same look in their eyes: Despise. Regret. Anger. Possibly...even hate? All of those words spoke to Maija's soul, to the heart that was covered by numerous layers of ice and stone. Curiosity, for the first time in awhile, peeked in her stony glare, and she propelled herself in the direction of the meeting.
Maija kept her guard up as she slunk towards the outer row of the semi-circle. She didn't let her gaze stay on any of the strangers for too long. That is, until she saw the gargantuan, violet female that appeared to be the ring leader. She began to speak, introducing herself as the Queen of Tortuga. Both pieces of the intro were unfamiliar to her, so they swept over her head and back like a tidal wave. The words she spoke were new to her ears. She had never heard a speech such as this, especially about 'ranks' and 'loyalty'. Such things were like pieces of happiness that were outside of Maija's reach. The only experiences she had of loyalty had been from Dragomir when he was in his normal personality. Now that he was gone, what parts of life made it worth living anymore?
Her trust issues were worse than ever, now that her husband was gone. Maija, of course, didn't show this to anyone. She burrowed herself deeper into the inner sanctum of her mind, curling up into a ball from the outside world. Yet, she stood there, watching Newt as she spoke. All she could do was watch. Words did not leave the golden temptress. Instead, her leaf green gaze remained icy, but a slight bit of interest shined in her bright orbs. She inhaled Newt's words, let them sink in, and wondered what she would do next.

speech here