
cute potatoes


"Helen of Koi"


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An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
10-09-2020, 08:32 AM

"EEP!" Hanako shrieked. Like a startled mouse she jolted up in the air, her fur stranding on end as though she'd been struck by lightning.

For a long and scary moment she thought she was in trouble, that Sirius would stomp out of his den and give her a good ear chewing. Her mind raced as she came up with all sorts of excuses but she knew if The Warlord was truly mad at her none of them would fly. Her ears flicked back as she stood up a little straighter, her shoulders hunched as she looked as apologetic as she could manage. She knew Sirius had a soft spot for her, maybe he'd go easy on her if he thought she was really really sorry. All of her worries were smacked aside when he invited her in and it was as though Hanako was born again, all bouncy and smiley as she nodded over eagerly at his request. Of course he wasn't mad! Sirius knew she'd never even dream of hurting his little family and that her intentions were-mostly- pure.

Hopping on over Hanako entered the den with dainty footsteps. It was dark and her eyes took a moment to adjust to the change in lighting but once they had she let out an awwwww as she took in the sight of the pups, safely nestled against Sirius' fur. There were five of them, a perfect blend of Sirius and Zee with a bit of purple thrown in for good measure.

"It's me, I wanted to say hi." She didn't dare speak above a whisper, in case she bothered the sleepy potatoes of joy.

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