
Cover up the poison with poetry


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
10-09-2020, 09:53 AM

Hmm, Hanako supposed she could see that. With paws as big as those Azure could easily just swat the fist out of the water, but to say he was fantastically equipped was surely a bit of an exaggeration. Or so she liked to think anyway. Fishing was her thing and whilst she didn't mind sharing with friends she also didn't like the idea of anyone being better at it than her, though if it was Azure she could make an exception. Probably. Either way it she was eager to spend more time with him and once again she mentally kicked herself for having not brought this up before. It wasn't favouritism! The circumstances with Mortis were just a little different, that's all. Azure deserved to have a dang good time too and if a large majority of these happy memories featured her then...well then she most certainly wouldn't complain.

If Azure really wanted to leave she wouldn't have stopped him, but that didn't stop her from hamming it up either. Oh how comfortable she was, her den all roomy and spacious with the most comfy furs in all the land.She stretched out again, her tail gently wagging as she waited for his response. He'd always been such a hard read, his face so serious and stern even now. Following his line of sight, she squinted at the entryway and agreed that it was indeed getting late. There was no risk or danger in travelling through the pack lands at night but if that was his line of reasoning to stay then she was more than happy to play along. Remaining in her spot, Hanako felt a warm and fuzzy sense of satisfaction when Azure shimmied on over to her side, noticing that he was perhaps a touch shy. But whatever for? Now more than ever she wished she'd been born with the gift of mind reading, alas her head was full of silly, girlish thoughts.

And then he kissed her forehead and it was Hanako's turn to get shy.

Warmth rushed to her face as she froze on the spot, only to shimmy close so she could hide the look on his face against the fur of his shoulder. She felt good but shy and a little embarrassed and overwhelmed- a lot of emotions were at play and it was hard to tell where they began and ended. But overall...yeah! She most certainly wouldn't complain. How such a bad day and turned into a good one was a little beyond her, the tides had turned and Hanako wanted things to stay like this, for always. But even if that could never happen she was content with this, with him. Knowing that he deserved a token of her affection in return, Hanako took to grooming the thick fur around his neck, she'd always thought it was such a lovely blend of colours and it looked even prettier up close. It was all rather relaxing and despite herself Hanako was starting to get sleepy.

"Sleep well Az." She mumbled,all cozied up with the bearish prince.

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