
Hela x Noir pupsss!




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
10-09-2020, 01:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2020, 03:33 PM by Recluse.)
Name: Malachi Cain Klein
Sex: Male
[Image: one.png?width=761&height=406]
Height/Build: Dire, Heavy
Appearance: Malachai is something of a ghost of his father, though he will not know that. Standing at a towering 45 inches tall at full adult height the man will be nothing if not imposing, this will only be further exacerbated by his build. Built like a tank Malachai will be a being of pure muscle, he's not going to be easy to knock down, though will be prone to hard falls when he is.

The boy's pelt bears his paternal side clearly, his body will be a gradient of greys and blacks, the lightest colors marking his undersides while the darker ones run along his limbs and face. This could easily be attributed to his mother but it's the bright blue marking that dot his form that will mark him as Noir's child... even if he'll never know him. This color will run along the upper rim of his ears and fleck along his back, his haunches and the end of his tail. Similarly this blue will make up a distinct marking under his left eye, a line with four dots beneath it, a little flecking of color will also mark the corner of that eye above the end of the line.

It's his eyes that really sell the boy's Klein lineage, while his left eye will be a distinct blue and lavender, the other will be a familiar pink coloration.

Personality: Sometimes, you get all the brawn but hardly any brains. Malachi is living proof that's true. While he isn't an idiot the boy will have little time for more theory-minded conversations, he'll leave that to others. He's not particularly concerned with what will or can be as such Malachi's primary conflict solving method is to just do what needs to be done and face the consequences as they come. He'll be more used to throwing his weight around than using his wits, but that won't exactly serve him ill. Sometimes all you need is a big wall of muscle to throw at people and things and Malachai is more than happy to do that. His less than stellar critical thinking skills doesn't mean that Malachai can't appreciate those whom he knows are more equipped than he is, in fact he rather respects them. Especially those within his family. It will make him a useful tool for those of the Klein lineage inclined to need muscle and Malachai will be content with that role, he may lack some of the typical ambition of his kin but generally will feel happy and fulfilled simply being a useful member of the empire.

Not that he will be a totally naive wolf, he has his own interests in mind and won't throw himself into the fire just to please someone else, however, he does view much of his family as being a priority in his life and may be more easily swayed by them than strangers, who he will be inherently distrustful of. He's smart enough at least to know that those who do not have his best interest at heart may try to take advantage of him. Though if you earn his trust you'll find him to be a friend who is loyal to a fault.

That being said woe betide anyone who earns his wrath. If he discovers one is taking advantage of him they'll soon learn to fear him. The man is a beast, with no qualms about wielding his not insignificant power in brutal ways. There are few lines he's willing to cross and if you find yourself on the receiving end of his wrath he will not stop until he feels satisfied. Malachai is also still a Klein, and proud to be one. His ego can be bruised easily and he will demand retribution.

Skills: Fighting/Hunting

Plans: For now I don't really see him wanting to leave Ashen, though that could change depending on what happens/who he meets. Mostly I see Malachai being content to aid in all the usual mischief his family gets up to. I'm leaning towards Lawful Evil for him. As a kid I can see him getting into trouble with not knowing his own strength and playing too rough. Might be fun to get him a mentor who can teach him how to fight properly and not just throw himself at his opponents with all his might.
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.