
Large Pile of Sand



10 Years
09-05-2013, 05:14 PM

Odette continued to look up at Baskilisk as he asked if her parents would be better suited for defending her kingdom. She merely shook her head and then rested her gaze on a starfish that didn't stick out too far from where he had placed her. She walked across the sand, pulled it out of the ground with her mouth, and proudly dragged it back to her chosen pile of sand. After lowering the beginning of her treasure collection at the pile's base, she looked around for another piece that would perfectly match the star.
Around that time, she answered him, "I think Mama may have said something like that. I can't remember if Papa ever said it, but his silent stare might have been to support her words." She looked up to him then and flicked her puppy tail behind her as she added, "That's how I know he really loves her. Papa supports Mama, and she supports him, too." Her face broke out with a grin and she let her bi-colored eyes dance across his large maw. "Anyway, they wouldn't be as much fun being knights as you will be." What others may have not have done, she did next: Odette padded towards him in the sand, then poked his massive foreleg with one paw. "You are sturdy, appear to be able to handle any task, and it helps that you're purple." Her smile became a toothy grin. "Not many pups my age can say they have a real purple knight."
Odette took a few steps back and reclined to her haunches, only to immediately stand up. She had unexpectedly sat upon a stone, one that was green and danced with white speckles all over it. Another part of her collection! Her eyes danced again and she excitedly said, "Oh boy! How pretty!" She scooped it up in her mouth, shook her head free of the sand that clung to it, and then looked up to Baskilisk again. Lowering the stone next to her starfish, she smacked her lips free of the sand and answered his question. "Mama and Papa named me Odette, and that is what I go by." She leaned her head to the side with puppy curiosity. "What is your name? I need to know if I am to knight you with my sword and make you an official part of my kingdom."



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