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09-05-2013, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2013, 05:54 PM by Song.)

She gave Novella her attention, trying to accept that she had more siblings out there. It seemed her parents had settled their differences after she left and had another litter. By the freedom this she wolf had Song had to assume that she wasn't their next pupil. "Do you not get on with mum?" Song was slightly startled by the comment, but she should have guessed it would have been asked. Novella was not afraid of much, and she was incredibly perceptive. "I haven't talked to her since before you were born." She looked to the ground, still upset about the day she left. "We had a big fight. The day I left." She decided not to hold anything back from her younger sister. It seemed the rest of her family thought it unnecessary to let her siblings know what happened. "Mother decided I would be heir, she practically ignored Anthem and the others. She expected me to be okay with that." She shook her head, "I finally snapped. The moment was a blur, but she knew she couldn't control what I did anymore. So I left."
She looked back to Anthem, who had asked a quiet question, "Where they? Legend? Myth? Story?" She didn't know where any of them were, "And what about Howl and Symphony? Lyric?" Her question mirrored Anthem's where were the rest of their siblings. In fact, if Anthem was not with Novella in the first place, who was looking out for him? "Where's Symphony, Anthem?" She asked her pale brother.
