
I Was The Prototype




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-10-2020, 05:27 PM

The whole night had felt like a dream and he had partially expected to wake up back in his den within Abaven just to find out that it had actually been just that. However, to his pleasant surprise, when he woke up it was beside Aranea and his time with her had the chance to bleed over into the morning. He walked with her out of the Redbud Nook and out toward the river. Eventually he would have to let her get back to her pack and he would have to get back to his, but that didn't mean he wanted that to be the case. He was racking his brain as they walked for a bit, searching for some kind of reason for him to spend more time with her or perhaps keep her here for a bit longer, when she looked up at him and gave him a perfect excuse. Breakfast! Of course!

"Absolutely!" he agreed with a smile. Hunting was at least one thing he was certain that he could handle - letting her leave and knowing that he was going to have to go back to his every day life once she did was another story. "What are you in the mood for? I'm sure we could find some hares near by or maybe some fish if we go down to a calmer part of the river... We might even find a few deer back toward the trees this time of year." He'd move the world to get her whatever she wanted if it meant keeping that happy grin on her face. He wasn't sure what it said about him that just one night together could get him completely wrapped around her paw, but at this point he couldn't resit it. Perhaps once she left it would break whatever this spell was, but until that happened he was happy to just do what he could to keep her happy as well.
