Over the moon on a red rocketship
10-10-2020, 04:56 PM
He didn't have to wait long for someone to take notice of him. He was far too good looking of a creature to stand seemingly lost and unattended for long. Someone would inevitably take pity on him. And he was right; the voice of a woman came to him over the sand. He turned towards her and almost did a double take. There were many beautiful creatures here on the beach, but few others had the coloring that reminded him of home. This woman, with her fiery markings and her pale eyes, was a welcome sight. She was lovely and small and oh, what was that at her paws? Jackpot. Hyperion cocked his head and grinned crookedly at her. "I am." He motioned towards the woefully empty cart and worked his features into a playful pout. "It seems all the good things have been taken." What would it take to get invited over for a drink? He was going to find out, because there wasn't a single thing about the scene he didn't like; from the woman, to the impending sunrise, to the drink.