
Teetering on the edge



3 Years
10-10-2020, 07:06 PM

Rhona thought back to the lessons she had been through so far and the practicing she had done so far as she squared off in front of Aslatiel. While she was certainly more comfortable with and faster at getting into her defensive stance than she had first been when Sirius was teaching her, she still wasn't nearly as natural at it as she was sure Aslatiel would be. That was okay though - she had to learn some how and if her new friend was willing to spar and help her get there then she was willing to go through the awkwardness of it all. She settled down into a slightly widened stance with her toes digging into the soil as she braced herself. Her head tucked down over her throat and her shoulders rolled forward so that her scruff bunched around her neck. She felt a bit like she was going through a check list of what she needed to do in order to fight and in a way she kind of was. So hoped that eventually she would be able to do all of this without thinking about it, but until she got to that point she would just continue to do it this way.

She gave a small nod in agreement when Aslatiel told her to attack like she was someone trying to hurt her and to not hold back. The irony was that she had always learned to not fight back when she was getting hurt, but that was a thing of the past now. Now she needed to retrain her brain and how she responded to everything. With one last nod to confirm that she was ready, she braced herself as Aslatiel came rushing toward her. She was small and fast and Rho's reaction times weren't quite fast enough to keep up. She tried to lunge out of the way, but didn't quite make it and she felt the smaller woman's shoulder connect. It knocked her off balance a bit since her momentum was already heading toward her right, but as she staggered to the side she was able to twist the lower half of her body out of Aslatiel's reach as she regained her balance so she was able to avoid the bite she had aimed at her back leg.

Trying to act quick, she lunged forward and tried to wrap her front legs around Asla's neck while her teeth went for the girl's scruff, hoping she might be able to use her height and heavier build to her advantage in order to over power Aslatiel. She wasn't entirely sure if this was a smart move or not, but she was just trying to let her instincts guide her since she wasn't entirely sure how to be offensive with her attacks.

Rhona vs Aslatiel for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Novice Fighter & Novice Intellectual
Specialty: N/A
