
What's Mine is Ours



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
10-10-2020, 09:59 PM

Tamsyn easily followed along as Resin led the way through what would be their home, letting her eyes wander over the area as she pointed out places for certain things. It made sense to keep the visitors near the hot springs since it was likely that would be one of the things they would have visitors coming to use anyway. It would also put them near the healer's area so that seemed like the best location certainly. She turned her attention to the area around the top of the falls as they made their way up to the top. She gave Resin a curious look when she mentioned that what she preferred wasn't possible and made a note to ask her about what she meant later on. She couldn't imagine something so out of reach that they couldn't figure out a way to build what she wanted, but at the same time she really hadn't seen many above ground structures besides caves and that one crumbing building she had seen on one of her island adventures.

She walked up to the borders that Resin had pointed out as a potential home for them. Her imagination filled in what it could be as her lover described what she wanted to make for them. Having to plan around their future children was a bit of a shock for her, but she was incredibly grateful to have Resin there to do that planning for her. She obviously had been a mother before and would know what a pup would need - and seemingly how important it was to be able to corral them. Tamsyn looked around the area that would soon be the play ground for their children and she found herself smiling. She tried to picture little pups bouncing around this open circle surrounded by stones that would keep them from running off or accidentally tumbling into the water while they were still too small to fend for themselves.

"I love it," she replied after a moment when she brought her mint eyes back up to Resin's face, her tail wagging gently behind her as she gave her lover a more genuine smile. "I think that's a wonderful idea." She walked over to where Resin was standing and nuzzled her face into her lover's neck. She couldn't wait to make this their home and watch it grow and flourish. It had suddenly shifted from a place for Resin to bring her dreams into reality to a place where they were going to raise their family. It was a shift that Tamsyn was just barely keeping up with, but she was slowly growing more excited for the future by the minute.
