
Some Designs


09-05-2013, 06:45 PM
Wolf Design #: 1
Name: Tsunami Aquarion
Age: pup
Gender: Female
Personality: Tsunami, or "Nami" as she likes to be called is the youngest sibling of Drake and Jet. She holds some of the some of the same qualities as Drake, seeing as how she doesn't know anything about her oldest sibling Jet. She is highly curious, adventurous and always asking questions about the world. She disappeared from their pack at just 6 months of age to seek out her brother Drake. He had left one day and didn't return, and she missed him dearly. Her parents currently think that she might have drowned in the ocean that surrounds their home. Loyal, truthful, and bouncy, this girl has a lot of spunk and is quite determined. If anyone threatens her friends or her brother, she will charge ahead with flashing teeth to deliver a lethal dose of puppy teeth in the leg. Almost fearless as a pup, she will often challenge authority and rarely listens to anyone of unimportance to her. However, she listens to everything her brother Drake says, however, so she isn't at a complete loss in that area.

As she gets older, her rambunctious and challenging attitude will begin to be replaced by a more gentle demeanor thanks to sticking around Drake all the time. But it won't all completely disappear. She will learn respect and such, but will still hold a slight sharp tongue for such things. This will always be kept in check by Drake.
Plans: I plan to bring her into Alacritis to find Drake. If ever she runs into Jet, then in any case I will probably have him try to corrupt her. I think a real good plot for the trio would be for Jet to stumble upon her and acts the good guy to get her to follow him, and corrupt her into a world of darkness. She may then possibly be saved by Drake once he learns of her existence in Alacritis, and will stop at nothing to retrieve and purify her once more.
Pack or Rouge?: Depending on events, she will be adopted first by a stranger or Jet if he finds her first and join whatever pack they/he are in.
Any Relations?: Drake and Jet