
There's A Ghost Inside Me




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-11-2020, 11:02 AM

Dalila found purchase on the other woman's neck as her teeth gripped tightly to her scruff and their forelegs wrapped around one another in a similar attempt to gain the upper hand. The fact that they were so evenly matched only gave her more evidence to solidify the falsehood that this woman was one of the assassins from the packs that had attacked her in her previous life. They had been highly skilled and had easily been able to go toe to toe with her in their ambush. It was thin evidence, but her foggy mind couldn't tell the difference between what was real and what was fake at this point. As the woman thrashed around in an attempt to knock her over, she just held on tighter - determined that if she went down at least the other woman was going to go with her.

The loud snarl she got from gripping onto her scruff caught her attention, and as they shifted under a shaft of moonlight, she saw the fairly fresh wound that was surely the cause of the reaction. Before she could really think too much about whether that was another sign that she had recently been in battle as she had or perhaps feel some kind of sympathy, Dalila felt her opponent twist in her grasp and felt a sharp pain in her side as the woman landed a solid bite near her ribs. The sudden jolt of pain shot through her and it made her release the woman's scruff as she instinctively retreated with a loud snarl. She scrambled back from the stranger, untangling herself from the fight before the other wolf could land any more attacks. She ignored her bleeding side for now in order to keep her bright blue gaze locked on her opponent - never wanting to turn her attention away in a fight for even a moment.

The stinging pain gave her a moment of clarity and she suddenly realized that the woman's scent didn't match or carry any of the pack scents that had been burned into her memory during the battle. It made her stop and freeze in place, staring down the other wolf uncertainly in the darkness. The pieces slowly began to put themselves together and she realized with a bit of shame that she had made a mistake and had been the instigator in this fight. The darkness and lack of sleep had played tricks on her mind. She kept her defenses up just in case the other woman didn't accept her apology and attacked her again instead, but she spoke up to try and stop this before they caused each other any more damage than they already had. "Wait! I'm.. I'm sorry, you're... you're not who I thought you were."

WC: 1773
