
There's A Ghost Inside Me




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-11-2020, 12:03 PM

She saw the woman back into a tree root that sent her tumbling to the ground and she almost jumped forward to help, but after what she had done she was afraid that she might be read wrong and cause more harm than good. Her ears flicked back at the response she got even though she knew it was more than justified and she was really a bit surprised that there wasn't more anger in the woman's tone than there was. "I know! I know, I'm sorry, I just..." She sighed heavily and let herself relax a bit, standing up straight out of her defensive stance now that she was at least fairly certain that the wolf across from her wasn't going to lash out and retaliate. "I haven't been sleeping well and you hopped down from that tree branch and in the dark I thought for sure you were one of the wolves I've been running from. I'm sorry, it was really an honest mistake."

Dalila didn't even mind the bite that she had gotten out of the ordeal. It felt like justified pay back for her mistake and it wasn't so deep that it cause her many problems after letting it heal for a few days. If this was what her sleepless nights were going to do to her then she really needed to find a better solution. Perhaps there was someone in the pack that would know something about herbs that might help her to sleep a little better until she finally worked those memories out of her mind. She wouldn't be any good to Venom in this state, that was for sure. Giving a little shake of her head, turned to go back to the pack, giving the stranger one last apology before slipping away into the dark before she had to explain herself any more. She made a new rule for herself that she wouldn't leave the pack lands at night any longer until she got herself back under control.

- exit -
